With party conference season in our rear-view mirror, we can reflect on what this means for the environment.

Essentially, not very much.

In his defence, Sir Ed Davey did highlight areas of environmental concern that the Lib Dems would be championing, such as sewage dumping water companies and championing green energy solutions.

The key problem across all parties seems to be a lack of understanding. None of the main parties seem to recognise the impact of rising carbon dioxide emissions on the ecosphere. As concentrations of CO2 continue to rise, the safe bubble around the planet we live in gets hotter, fuelling extreme weather events.

How many times do you hear in the news about natural disasters, often outstripping anything that has come before them? It seems to be almost every week at the moment.

Here are a couple of recent examples:

Recent flooding (Northern Ireland)

Residents feel abandoned (Catcliffe Floods, South Yorkshire)

A recent study, published in the journal, Nature Climate Change, and quoted by the BBC, predicts that we will hit a temperature rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius much sooner than previously predicted.

The report suggests that this could be as soon as 2029!

Constant growth is NOT the answer and yet all parties seem to be seeking to follow the conventions of the past in terms of the economy. We must break our reliance on this cycle of constant growth. We have to think and act differently, if we want to achieve different results.

One response

  1.  Avatar

    First, I tried to like this but may not have succeeded.
    Second, Council tax should be replaced by land tax (phased in slowly) and some income tax by carbon tax (as much and as soon as possible).

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